I'm a nuclear astrophysicist working on the Equation of State of nuclear matter and its implications for the structure of Neutron Stars and the fundamental processes in its interiors. Those are subject matter of the Iniziativa Specifica NEUMATT (NEUtron star MATter Theory) of the INFN Commissione Scientifica Nazionale IV CSN4.
Neutron stars are unique laboratories that allow us to probe the building blocks of matter and their interactions at regimes that terrestrial laboratories cannot explore. These exceptional objects have already led to breakthrough discoveries in nuclear and subnuclear physics, QCD, general relativity and high-energy astrophysics. The recent detection of gravitational waves from a binary neutron stars merger event GW170817 and the electromagnetic emission from the associated kilonova AT2017gfo has led to innovative and fundamental discoveries complementary to those achieved through the nuclear and subnuclear experimental facilities. I'm active member of the European COST Action PHAROS (CA16214), which brings together the leading experts in astrophysics, nuclear physics and gravitational physics to address this fascinating but challenging research area through an interdisciplinary approach.