Office Address : INFN Sezione di Catania
Via S. Sofia 64, I-95123 Catania, Italy
Tel. +39-095-378 5317 – Fax. +39-095-337938
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Research interest : I'm a nuclear astrophysicist working on the Equation of State of nuclear matter and its implications for the structure of Neutron Stars and the fundamental processes in its interiors. Those are subject matter of the Iniziativa Specifica NEUMATT (NEUtron star MATter Theory) of the INFN Commissione Scientifica Nazionale IVCSN4.
Neutron stars are unique laboratories that allow us to probe the building blocks of matter and their interactions at regimes that terrestrial laboratories cannot explore. These exceptional objects have already led to breakthrough discoveries in nuclear and subnuclear physics, QCD, general relativity and high-energy astrophysics. The recent detection of gravitational waves from a binary neutron stars merger event GW170817 and the electromagnetic emission from the associated kilonova AT2017gfo has led to innovative and fundamental discoveries complementary to those achieved through the nuclear and subnuclear experimental facilities. I'm active member of the European COST Action PHAROS (CA16214), which brings together the leading experts in astrophysics, nuclear physics and gravitational physics to address this fascinating but challenging research area through an interdisciplinary approach.
- 1987-1990 Ph.D. in Theoretical Nuclear Physics at the University of Catania. Supervisors: Prof. M. Di Toro and H.H. Wolter (LMU, Munich)
- 1986 Laurea (MSc) in Physics: 110/110 cum Laude
- 1981-1985 Undergraduated student at the Department of Physics, University of Catania, Italy
- 2007 First Researcher at Sezione INFN di Catania
- 1994 Researcher in the theoretical physics group at Sezione INFN di Catania
- 1993-1994 Post-doc fellowship at the University of Catania
- 1992 CNRS contract at the LPN Nantes (France)
- 1991-1992 CNRS contract at GANIL, Caen (France)
- 1990-1991 INFN Post-doc fellowship at the LBL Berkeley (USA)
- 1987-1989 DAAD fellowship at Ludwig-Maximilian-Universitaet, Munich (Germany)
- 2019 Referent of the Sezione di Catania for the CC3M Outreach INFN Committee
- 2019 Referee for the Fellini fellowships
- 2018 SOC member of The Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting MG15, Rome, July 1-7
- 2017 SOC member of The Modern Physics of Compact Stars and Relativistic Gravity, Yerevan, Armenia
- 2015-2018 Member of the Steering Committee (SC) of the European MPNS COST Action MP1304
- 2015-2018 Gender Coordinator of MPNS COST Action MP1304
- 2015 SOC member of The Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting MG14, Rome, July 12-18
- 2015 SOC member of The Modern Physics of Compact Stars and Relativistic Gravity, Yerevan, Armenia
- 2014 Organizer of the conference The Structure and Signals of Neutron Stars, from Birth to Death, GGI (Florence), March 10 – April 17
- 2013 SOC member of The Modern Physics of Compact Stars and Relativistic Gravity, Yerevan, Armenia
- 2013-2018 Substitute member for Italy in the Management Committee (MC) of MPNS COST Action MP1304
- 2012-2019 Internal Referee of the Astroparticle Physics research line of the INFN National Theory Committee
- 2011-2019 Local Coordinator of INFN Theory Group, Sezione di Catania
- 2011 LOC member of Gravitational Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation from Compact Stars, CompStar 2011 : School and Workshop, Catania, 3-12 May
- 2008-2012 Local Coordinator of INFN Iniziativa Specifica OG51 on Gravitational Waves from Compact Objects
- 2007 LOC member of the Exotic States of Nuclear Matter International Symposium EXOCT07, Catania, 11-15 June
- 2001-2004 Local Coordinator of INFN Iniziativa Specifica GISELDA on the Hadron Deconfinement
- I have published 101 papers in various refereed international journals, and 61 papers as contribution to proceedings. A partially complete list is present in INSPIRE which reports more than 4000 citations to these works and h-index: 34. Google scholar reports more than 6000 citations and h-index: 39.
Referee activities for the following scientific journals:
- Astrophysical Journal
- Astronomy & Astrophysics
- Astrophysics and Space Science
- Physical Review D
- Physical Review C
- Reports on Progress in Physics
- Physical Review Letters
- European Physical Journal A
- Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
- Nuclear Physics A
- International Journal of Modern Physics A
Referee activities for the following international funding agencies:
- Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR), Italy
- FNRS-Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique, Belgium,
- SFTC-Ernest Rutherford Fellowships , UK
- National Science Centre-Sonatina, Poland
- Member of experts panel of COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).
Teaching Experiences
- 2003-2010 Lecturer on Nuclear Astrophysics for students attending the IV year of the Physics MSc. course at the University of Catania.
- October 2009-2012 Lecturer at the International PhD Course held at the Scuola Superiore dell’Universita’ di Catania on the “Equation of State of Nuclear Matter”.
- October 2017-2019 PhD Lecturer of the course held at Universita’ di Catania on the “Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars”.
- September 2003, Lectures on ``Nuclear matter Equation of State and Phase Transitions in Neutron Stars'', School of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics for PhD students, Otranto (Italy).
- October 2007 Lecturer at the Doctoral Training Programme “Physics of Compact Stars” at the ECT* Trento (Italy)
- September 2012 Lecturer at the Compstar School “Equation of State for Compact Star Interiors and Supernovae”, Zara, Croazia.
- September 2016 Lecturer at the Compstar School “Neutron Stars : gravitational physics theory and observations”, Coimbra, Portugal.