Da Domenica 16 Giugno 2024 - 04:00pm
a Sabato 22 Giugno 2024 - 05:00pm
Visite : 1276
OverviewThe XXXI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Neutrino 2024) will be held in Milano, Italy, from June 16 to June 22. The conference is jointly organized by University of Milano - Bicocca, University of Milano and INFN.This biennial conference focuses on the current status of neutrino physics, its interplay with astronomy and cosmology, as well as the future prospects of these fields. List of topicsNeutrino oscillationsNeutrino massNeutrinoless Double Beta DecayNeutrino interactionsAccelerator neutrinosReactor neutrinosAtmospheric neutrinosSolar neutrinosSupernova neutrinosAstrophysical neutrinosGeo neutrinosNeutrino role in cosmologySterile neutrinosTheory of neutrino masses and mixing, LeptogenesisBeyond Standard Model searches in the neutrino sectorNew technologies for neutrino physics
Luogo Milano