I have published 103 papers in various refereed international journals, and 61 papers as contribution to proceedings. A partially complete list is present in INSPIRE http://inspirehep.net/author/profile/G.F.Burgio.1 which reports more than 4000 citations to these works and h-index: 34. Google scholar reports more than 6000 citations and h-index: 39.
Below you find a list of my papers published from 2011 till now.
Below you find a list of my papers published from 2011 till now.
- J.B. Wei, G. F. Burgio, Ad. R. Raduta, and H.-J. Schulze,
Hot Neutron Stars and their Equation of State, arXiv:2112.05323 , Phys. Rev. C 104, 065806 (2021). - G. F. Burgio, I. Vidaña, H.-J. Schulze, and J.B. Wei,
Neutron Stars and the Nuclear Equation of State, arXiv:2105.03747 , Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 120, 103879 (2021). - Ting-Ting Sun, Zi-Yue Zheng, Huan Chen, G. F. Burgio, and H.-J. Schulze,
The Equation of State and radial oscillations of Neutron Stars, arXiv:2101.07515 , Phys. Rev. D 103, 103003 (2021). - G. F. Burgio, H.-J. Schulze, I. Vidaña, and J.B. Wei,
A modern view of the Equation of State of in Nuclear and Neutron Star Matter, Symmetry 13(3), 400 (2021). - A. Figura, F. Li, Jia-Jing Lu, G. F. Burgio, Z. H. Li, and H.-J. Schulze,
Binary neutron-star merger simulations with hot microscopic equations of state, arXiv:2103.02365, Phys. Rev. D 103, 083012 (2021). - G. F. Burgio, and I. Vidaña,
The Equation of State of Nuclear Matter : from Finite Nuclei to Neutron Stars, arXiv:2007.04427, Universe 6, 119 (2021). - Jia-Jing Lu, Fan Li, Zeng-Hua Li, Chong-Yang Chen, G. F. Burgio, and H. -J. Schulze,
Accurate nuclear symmetry energy at finite temperature within a BHF approach, arXiv:2005.14583, Phys. Rev. C 103, 024307 (2021). - A. Figura, Jia-Jing Lu, G. F. Burgio, Z. H. Li, and H.-J. Schulze,
Hybrid equation of state approach in binary neutron-star merger simulations, arXiv:2005.08691, Phys. Rev. D 102, 043006 (2020). - J. B. Wei, G. F. Burgio, and H.-J. Schulze
Nuclear pairing gaps and neutron star cooling, arXiv:2010.03916, Universe 6, 115 (2020). - J. B. Wei, G. F. Burgio, H.-J. Schulze, and D. Zappala'
Cooling of hybrid neutron stars with microscopic equations of state, arXiv:2003.08079, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 498, 344 (2020). - X. L. Shang, A. Li, Z. Q. Miao, G. F. Burgio, and H.-J. Schulze,
Nucleon effective mass in hot dense matter, arXiv:2001.03859, Phys. Rev. C 101, 065801 (2020). - Jin-Biao Wei, Jia-Jing Lu, G. F. Burgio, Z.H. Li, and H.-J. Schulze,
Are nuclear matter properties correlated to neutron star observables ? arXiv:1907.08761, Eur. Phys. J. A (2020), 56:63. Topical Issue on "First joint gravitational wave and electromagnetic observations: Implications for nuclear and particle physics" - A. Del Popolo, M. Deliyergiyev, M. Le Delliou, L. Tolos, and G. F. Burgio,
On the change of old neutron star masses with galactocentric distance ,arXiv:1904.13060, Physics of the Dark Universe 28,100484 (2020). - Jia-Jing Lu, Zheng-Hua Li, G. F. Burgio, A. Figura, and H.-J. Schulze,
Hot neutron stars with microscopic equations of state, arXiv:1907.03120, Phys. Rev. C 100,054335 (2019). - M. Deliyergiyev, A. Del Popolo, L. Tolos, M. Le Delliou, X. Lee, and G. F. Burgio,
Dark compact objects : an extensive overview, arXiv:1903.01183, Phys. Rev. D99, 063015 (2019) - J.-B. Wei, G. F. Burgio, and H.-J. Schulze,
Neutron star cooling with microscopic equations of state, arXiv:1812.07306, Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc. 484, 5162 (2019). - J.-B. Wei, A. Figura, G. F. Burgio, H. Chen, and H.-J. Schulze,
Neutron star universal relations with microscopic equations of state, arXiv:1809.04315, Journ. of Physics G : Nuclear and Particle Physics 46, 034001 (2019). - G. F. Burgio and A. F. Fantina,
Nuclear Equation of state for Compact Stars and Supernovae, arXiv:1804.03020,
The Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars, Astrophysics and Space Science Library Book 457, Springer, 2018. Invited review to the White Book of "NewCompStar" European COST Action MP1304. - G.F. Burgio, A. Drago, G. Pagliara, H.-J. Schulze, and J.B. Wei,
Are Small Radii of Compact Stars Ruled out by GW170817/AT2017gfo, arXiv:1803.09696, Astrophys. J. 860, 139 (2018). - M. Fortin, G. Taranto, G.F. Burgio, P. Haensel, H. -J. Schulze, and J.L. Zdunik,
Thermal states of neutron stars with a consistent model of interior, arXiv:1709.04855, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 475, 5010 (2018). - J.B. Wei, H. Chen, G.F. Burgio, and H.-J Schulze,
Rotating hybrid stars with the Dyson-Schwinger quark model, arXiv:1703.08952, Phys. Rev. D96, 043008 (2017).
- M. Baldo and G. F. Burgio,
The nuclear symmetry energy, arXiv:1606.08838, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 91, 203 (2016). - G. F. Burgio and D. Zappala’,
Hybrid stars structure with the Field Correlator Method, arXiv:1509.00841, Eur. Phys. J. A52, 60 (2016). - G. Taranto, G. F. Burgio, and H.-J. Schulze,
Cassiopeia A and direct Urca cooling, arXiv:1511.04243, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 456, 1451 (2016). - K. Fukukawa, M. Baldo, G. F. Burgio, L. Lo Monaco, and H.-J. Schulze,
Nuclear matter equation of state from a quark-model nucleon-nucleon interaction, arXiv:1507.07288, Phys. Rev. C92, 065802 (2015). - M. G. Alford, G. F. Burgio, S. Han, G. Taranto and D. Zappala’,
Constraining and applying a generic high-density equation of state, arXiv:1501.07902, Phys. Rev. D92, 083002 (2015). - H. Chen, J.-B. Wei, M. Baldo, G. F. Burgio, and H.-J. Schulze,
Hybrid neutron stars with the Dyson-Schwinger quark model and various quark-gluon vertices, arXiv: 1503.02795, Phys. Rev. D91, 105002 (2015). - B. K. Sharma, M. Centelles, X. Vinas, M. Baldo, and G. F. Burgio,
Unified Equation of State for Neutron Stars on a microscopic basis, arXiv:1506.00375, Astron. & Astroph. 584, A103 (2015). - M. Baldo, G. F. Burgio, H.-J. Schulze, and G. Taranto,
Nucleon effective masses within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock theory : Impact on stellar neutrino emission, arXiv:1404.7031, Phys. Rev. C89, 048801 (2014). - M. Baldo,G. F. Burgio, B. K. Sharma, M. Centelles, and X. Vinas,
From the crust to the core of Neutron Stars on a microscopic basis, arXiv:1308.2304, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 77, 1157 (2014). - A. Bonanno, M. Baldo, G. F. Burgio, and V. Urpin,
The neutron star in Cassiopeia A : equation of state, superfluidity, and Joule heating, arXiv:1311.2153, Astron. & Astroph. 561, L5 (2014). - H. Chen, G. F. Burgio, H.-J. Schulze, and N. Yasutake,
Structure of the hadron-quark mixed phase in protoneutron stars, arXiv:1302.6074, Astron.&Astroph. 551, A13 (2013). - G. Taranto, M. Baldo, and G. F. Burgio,
Selecting microscopic equations of state, arXiv:1302.6882 Phys. Rev. C87, 045803 (2013). - S. Plumari, G. F. Burgio, V. Greco, and D. Zappala’,
Quark matter in neutron stars within the Field Correlator Method, arXiv:1307.3055 Phys. Rev. D88, 083005 (2013). - M. Baldo, and G. F. Burgio,
Properties of the nuclear medium, arXiv:1102.1364 Rep. Prog. Phys. 75, 026301 (2012).
- H. Chen, M. Baldo, G. F. Burgio, and H.-J. Schulze,
Hybrid protoneutron stars with the Dyson-Schwinger quark model, arXiv:1203.0158 Phys. Rev. D86, 045006 (2012). - G. F. Burgio, H.-J. Schulze, and A. Li,
Hyperon stars at finite temperature in the Brueckner theory, arXiv:1101.0726 Phys. Rev. C83, 025804 (2011). - N. Yasutake, G. F. Burgio, and H.-J. Schulze,
Hadron-Quark Phase Transitions in Hyperon Stars, arXiv:1012.1773 Phys. Atom. Nucl. 74, 1 (2011). - G. F. Burgio, V. Ferrari, L. Gualtieri, and H.-J. Schulze,
Oscillations of hot, young neutron stars : Gravitational wave frequencies and damping times, arXiv:1106.2736, Phys. Rev. D84, 044017 (2011). - H. Chen, M. Baldo, G. F. Burgio, and H.-J. Schulze,
Hybrid stars with the Dyson-Schwinger quark model, arXiv:1107.2497 Phys. Rev. D84, 105023 (2011).