From Monday 23 June 2025 - 08:00am
To Friday 27 June 2025 - 06:00pm
Hits : 68
Speakers: Sandra Malvezzi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
The European Strategy for Particle Physics (ESPP) is the cornerstone of Europe’s decision-making process for the long-term future of the field. Mandated by the CERN Council, it is formed through a broad consultation of the particle physics community and the study of selected projects. The focus of the ESPP 2026 Update is to identify the next flagship project at CERN to succeed the Large Hadron Collider and its high-luminosity upgrade.
Updating the ESPP is a process that takes place every 5-7 years and requires several months of work by the scientific community. The final output of this process is a document presenting the studies carried out and the recommendations expressed. The final processing of this document is preceded by an important moment of sharing and discussion: the Open Symposium of the scientific community.
The next edition of the Open Symposium will be hosted in Italy, at Lido di Venezia, from 23—27 June 2025. It will see scientists and partners from around the world debate the inputs to the ESPP and discuss the goals to be achieved in the coming decades.
The Open Symposium of the ESSP 2026 Update is hosted and organized by the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), with the support of CERN.
Location Palazzo del Casinò (Venice Lido)