For the first time, an international research team, including researchers from Darmstadt, members of the ASY-EOS collaboration, has combined data from nuclear physics experiments, gravitational wave measurements and other astronomical observations with theoretical insights to constrain the conditions of nuclear matter more precisely, as it can be found in the interior of neutron stars. The results were published in the scientific journal Nature and are available at the following link
A relevant part of data from nuclear physics experiments comes from the ASY-EOS experiment, carried out at GSI in 2011, coordinated by INFN researchers of Sezione di Catania, LNS-Laboratori Nazionali del Sud and Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia “E. Majorana” of University of Catania. In that experiment, part of the CHIMERA multi-detector at LNS was moved to GSI laboratory and there successful employed. The ASY-EOS experiment has been one of the first laboratory investigation of the symmetry energy of the nuclear equation of state at densities above the saturation one, a field where, till now, just few laboratory studies exist. This new paper highlights the capabilities of INFN and Catania University researchers in producing high-quality data with a considerable impact on physics cases of large interest, as the one of neutron star properties. INFN-CT, INFN-LNS and UNICT researchers, in the framework of the activities of the R3B collaboration, are now planning new measurements at the GSI/FAIR laboratory, aiming to enlarge the previous results, as needed for an, even better, understanding of the symmetry energy at high densities and modelling of neutron star.
See also for further reading.