catania interno

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

Sezione di Catania

Calendario eventi

ISAPP 2025 Lecce
Da Lunedì 09 Giugno 2025 -  09:00am
a Venerdì 20 Giugno 2025 - 07:00pm
Visite : 20
Speakers: Lorenzo Perrone (Università del Salento and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Sezione di Lecce)

Welcome to the 2025 edition of the ISAPP school held in Lecce (Italy)! 
Covered topics include cosmic rays, high-energy neutrinos and gamma rays, multi-messenger astronomy and gravitational waves.  The format will include lectures and exercises,  experimental seminars  and dedicated hands-on sessions guided by experts in the field.
Phenomenology of astrophysical sources:

Acceleration mechanisms
Particle production (charged, photons and neutrinos) 
Propagation, interaction channels 
Search for Dark Matter, exotics, BSM

Detection techniques and status of the art::

Direct observation from space: satellites, balloons
EAS detectors (ground, fluorescence/Cherenkov/radio) 
Multi-messengers (photons, astrophysical neutrinos, GW) 


Highlights from the main experiments in the field
Phenomenological or theoretical status of the art in specific topics, open points and new frontiers
Specific analysis techniques such as AI and machine learning
Roadmap for astroparticle physics in the near future

The school is part of the ISAPP network program

Edition organized by: