catania interno

National Institute for Nuclear Physics

Catania Division


At the division is available a wifi network, INFN.DOT1X, also known as TRIP, for INFN employer and partners.

INFN employers and parters are invited to submit a request for credentials to access this network.

Access to wifi at all others INFN division is garanteed thanks to these credentials, that are also valid for hotspot EDUROAM. This network is indeed available at several University and Research Organisations all over the world. 


CAT eduroam

A CAT configuration tool, supporting servera devices and EAP, is available at the following link:

download configuration tool for your devide containing "Sezione di Catania" and follow the guide. 

To configure your mobile phone you can scan the following QR code 


and following the guide to install and configure the tool. 

If automatic configurations fails, you can refer to following guides to configure it manually: 



(In Italian) 

Connessione a rete wifi INFN-dot1x su Windows 11



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